Proyecto Amor makes the sound wave of the word "love" available to everyone to generate an urban fabric that connects people with a common intention.The intention is to surround the world with love from the intervention of an image, object and/or space evidenciándolos in a "fabric of love". At the same time, he questions the "love" from its form and its background
Andrea has been working with sound waves of sounds and words for more than 10 years, capturing her intention and evidencing her form. The objective, capture its intention and materialize its form. The inspiration for the project comes from the philosopher behind the water messages by Masaru Emoto who scientifically proves that the power of thought changes matter.
Parallel to this project, Andrea works with recycling and its transformation and believes that @proyectoamor___ is a similar project but much more ambitious because there is not only a material transformation... but also a spiritual transformation.